Next meeting of the Group. To be announced in the new year. It will be the AGM in February
Sinnington Local History Group was formed in 2010 with the objective to record, archive, and share village history with the community. Meetings are held monthly on the second Saturday of the month in the village hall. The group organises talks and presentations about local history, particularly about the village, its people, and its environs.
The annual report for 2023/24.
The Group is now into its 14th year.
The past year’s events were not quite as planned as some meetings/events were altered due to increased numbers of positive Covid tests within the Village. However, we did enjoy three talks – on 8 March by Stephen about “An Enigma in Bournville”, on 19 July by Nancy about “Changes in Sinnington since 1985” and on 23 August by Roger about “The Sinnington”. All three talks were well attended and promoted a great deal of discussion over tea and cakes afterwards. We also had our stall at the May Fair. Our display was based on old newspaper cuttings and was well received. Sales of merchandise were also good. On 9 September we had our Artefacts Open Day. This was a great success. Maps, photos, the WI display, Millennium Book etc all sparked a great deal of discussion between Group members and visitors alike. Christine kindly arranged a trip to the Helmsley Fine Arts and Social History Store on 12 October. This was attended by thirteen of us and I think that we all felt that we could have spent longer exploring some of the locked boxes and files! We ended our year in December with a Members Christmas Party and quiz. It was great fun and an opportunity for us to get together in a social capacity.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support this past year, especially to Roger who is my Sinnington “eyes and ears” when I’m not in the Village! I feel that it’s not just our meetings/events that are important but the friendship that this Group brings to each other and those who attend our events. Thank you all.
Heather Harkness Chairperson 24 February 2024